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Other articles in the category "Training"

June 28, 2024
Revolutionizing Mandatory Corporate Training with Virtual Reality

Mandatory Corporate Training: Use Virtual Reality. Mandatory corporate training aims to ensure workplace health and safety, update employees' skills, and refresh their legal knowledge before new legal requirements come int...

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June 6, 2024
Transforming Industry with Augmented Reality: Applications and Benefits

The main benefits of augmented reality in the industry. Augmented reality is an innovative technology that overlays virtual elements onto a real environment. It differs from virtual reality, which immerses the user entirel...

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May 17, 2024
Succeeding in Your Safety Briefing: Tips and Strategies for Effective Facilitation

Practical guide for conducting a safety briefing.The safety briefing is a periodic meeting during which company employees discuss topics related to occupational risk management. It serves to remind procedures for preventing haz...

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