The issues of the course

On an industrial site, there are many operations involving work at height which can be dangerous if safety instructions are not followed. In fact, falls from height account for 93% of accidents at work in the construction industry and their consequences can be dramatic, particularly when falls from a roof or scaffolding are involved (respectively causing 14% and 11% of permanent disabilities). Lack of equipment, lack of vigilance and non-compliance with procedures are often the cause of serious accidents such as falls from height.


Circulation and co-activity - Work at height course objectives

This training is part of the company's safety policy, as part of a process to prevent and reduce work-related accidents linked to working at height. About forty risks are hidden on an industrial site. They appear randomly, depending on the duration and difficulty of the exercise. The learner's objective is to locate and identify these risks, in order to avoid them in his professional practice. If the learner passes a risk without spotting it, he or she suffers a fall or witnesses an accident before being returned to the course a few metres before the risk situation in question.

For trainees:

• Identify, assess and prevent high-risk situations while walking through a site featuring work at height situations.

• Move around the site by following the safety instructions and procedures.

• Experience a virtual simulation of an accident and its consequences.

For the company:

• Highlight and reproduce potentially hazardous situations related to work at height.

• Ensure that employees follow procedures.

• Analyze and measure how employees react to such hazardous situations.

• Reduce the frequency rate of work-related accidents.


Target audience for the Circulation and co-activity - Work at height course

•  All employees who are required to perform procedures relating to on-site traffic.

Equipment required

A Pico Neo 3 standalone VR heaset.

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