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Nous contacter

Siège social et siège administratif


7 rue Léo Delibes

75116 Paris, France


Expertise VR - R&D


ZA Albipôle – Lieu-dit Jean Thomas

81150 Terssac, France

Expertise QHSE

Logo of the Réactiv company
Logo of the Echange Formation company


3 avenue Antoine Pinay

42400 Saint Chamond, France

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Notre histoire


L'immersive learning donne aux apprenants un rôle de premier plan dans leurs formations HSE

Notre philosophie d'entreprise

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Notre mission est de diminuer drastiquement l’accidentologie au travail en proposant d’impliquer l’ensemble du personnel grâce à une offre globale de formation qui allie expertise QHSE, immersion et innovation et qui permet des changements durables de comportement.

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Contribuer à sensibiliser les femmes et les hommes, qu'ils soient à la maison ou au travail, à leurs responsabilités sociales, à l’hygiène, à la sécurité et à l'environnement et accompagner nos clients dans leur maîtrise des accidents et des risques professionnels.

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Créer un groupe rentable, intégrant les préoccupations sociales et environnementales dans ses activités et ayant un impact sociétal majeur : contribuer à diminuer drastiquement le nombre d’accidents de travail dans les entreprises grâce à des technologies de pointe en matière de formation.

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La santé, la sécurité et l'environnement sont l'affaire de tous, partout, tous les jours. Everyone, Everywhere, Everyday !

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35 000
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Ateliers HSE en VR
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Formations QHSE

Certifications des formations QHSE

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Notre évolution au fil du temps

Plus ancien
Plus récent

Une étude menée par PwC en 2020 montre que les apprenants formés grâce à l’apprentissage immersif étaient jusqu’à :

plus concentrés que leurs homologues en e-learning
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plus concentrés qu’en suivant une formation classique
plus rapides à retenir l’information qu’en classe traditionnelle
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plus confiants pour appliquer les compétences acquises








Colour photo of Olivier, member of Immersive Factory team
Olivier, a graduate of the ISC Business School, has developed extensive expertise in digital strategy and international development. Olivier has held a number of executive positions during his career path, including Export Director at Servant Soft (Cegid Group), Export Director at Cryo (video game publisher), Joint Chief Director of Wanadoo Edition (Orange Group), CEO of Dreamcatcher (Canadian video game publisher) and Founding President of Bulkypix (developer of mobile games and serious games).
Colour photo of Bertrand, member of Immersive Factory team
After graduating from the EDC Business School, Bertrand began his career in industry. He joined the Report One team in 2001 and ultimately became Chief Marketing Officer in 2005. Subsequently he moved to Alma Consulting as Chief Sales Director, where he developed expert-level skills in team management. Bertrand was Associate Director of BulkyApps (consulting and development of apps and serious games).
Colour photo of Francis, member of Immersive Factory team
Francis comes from a banking background and began his career with BNP. Subsequently, he held the positions of Sales Engineer, Regional Director and Director of Alliances at Servant Soft, where he met and worked with Philippe until 1999. Francis joined the Fidsud Group, an accounting and auditing firm, in 2000 as an Account Manager. In 2001, he joined Philippe to create Report One (business intelligence and CRM software publisher)
Colour photo of Philippe, member of Immersive Factory team
Philippe, a graduate of the ISC Business School, can draw on the sound business acumen that he has acquired in the IT sector. In 1988, Philippe joined Servant Soft (ERP vendor) as Sales Engineer, before becoming Regional Director and Chief Sales Officer. During his stint at Cegid following the takeover of Servant Soft, he held the position of Key Account Sales Director. He founded Report One in 2001 (business intelligence and CRM software publisher) with Francis.
The team


Phd - VR Expert


Financial service


Director Réactiv'


Customer service

Colour photo of Olivier, member of Immersive Factory team
Phd - VR Expert
Passionate about games of all shapes and their use for learning, I join the gamification research field as a programmer, then follow the thread to Immersive Factory, where my role consists in organising a multi-disciplinary team whose goal is to transform VR into a training tool. When I’m not ruminating for Immersive Factory, I work on the restoration of my medieval house, cook, participate in role play games, or organise silly recreational events for birthdays or bachelor's parties.
Colour photo of Corinne, member of Immersive Factory team
Financial service
I have been doing accounting and payroll for over 30 years. I like the great outdoors, going for walks or mountain biking with my dog because I always appreciate beautiful landscapes that constantly change color depending on the moment or the season. I like high viewpoints. I am rather sociable and do not like to take myself too seriously!! I always enjoy being with family or friends. My next goal is to see the Artic Circle, the Northern Lights and the Midnight Sun. I also like to read novels, detective stories and fiction.
Colour photo of Luc, member of Immersive Factory team
Director Réactiv'
I am a cook by training, for 33 years, I have been working as a trainer-consultant in kitchen and for many years at Réactiv’. I practice running, marathons, trails, road bike races, mountain biking and also cani-cross with my Border-Colli. I have a passion for motorcycling, I also like traveling. Apart from that, I love walks in the Parc du Pilat, in Ardèche, in Auvergne and in Lozère. I also collect a lot of mushrooms. This year, exceptional picking of sheep’s feet!
Colour photo of Magalie, member of Immersive Factory team
Customer service
I did a BTEC Higher National Diploma NRC customer relationship management, I like contact with people. A little chatty, quite feminist, I love listening to people talk! I’m passionate about running, nature, sport. My goal… to always progress and surpass myself. I am a mom who loves to make small dishes for her children. I read quite a bit but sometimes and I don’t know how to rest, I live at 300 km/h all the time.


Phd - Expert Ludo-pedagogy




Custom Success Manager



Colour photo of Julian, member of Immersive Factory team
Phd - Expert Ludo-pedagogy
I’m in charge of R&D in ludopedagogy at Immersive Factory. At the same time, I am a professor-researcher, educational manager of the DU Learning Through Play and I’m president of the Ludoscience association. I have been involved in more than 150 realizations of Games, Serious Games and Casual Games. I specialize in Serious Game and Gamification dedicated to education, health and communication. My job combines my passion : video games. Otherwise, I like travelling, cultural visits, hiking, gastronomy and astronomy.
Colour photo of Cecilia, member of Immersive Factory team
I'm Italian but lived several years in the USA and in New Zealand. I'm passionate about animals and nature and I also have a University Degree in Biological Sciences. I love to interact with people from all over the world and discover their uses and habits. I like to be helpful. I'm very friendly and always look at the bright side of things. My everyday challenge is to find a solution for everything.
Colour photo of Anthony, member of Immersive Factory team
Custom Success Manager
I take care of you in customer support. I’m from South of France, but I have lived in Africa and New Caledonia, which gave me a taste for travel and discovery. I am a big fan of video games and technologies around me (like VR!). In my spare time, I lead paper and virtual role-playing tables as a game master!
Colour photo of Aurélie, member of Immersive Factory team
I am in charge of the Marketing and Communication part of Immersive Factory. I love to write and be creative. I like discovering new things and being with my family and friends. In my free time, I like to read novels, draw and play with my dog. Interested in Japanese culture, I intend to discover more while traveling.


Prod - R&D


Director Echange Formation





Colour photo of Remi, member of Immersive Factory team
Prod - R&D
Graduated from ENJMIN, I benefit from a technical training to which is added management and management skills. I’m in charge of the application development team as well as the management of several products and R&D projects. Passionate about finance, cooking and hiking and interested in many subjects, do not hesitate to tell me about your field of activity if you are ready to answer my questions.
Colour photo of Noël, member of Immersive Factory team
Director Echange Formation
I have been providing QHS training at Échange Formation for 22 years. The theater is my second life: I’m a theater actor in an amateur company. I have already played in about ten different plays in 10 years. At the same time, I do improvisational theater and I am the author of comedies and Vaudeville plays. To date, I have written about fifteen different plays, I have been played by different troupes in France, Switzerland, Belgium and Canada. I love Rugby and Basketball and I’m a fisherman. I collect stamps, slot machines and coffee pinball machines.
Colour photo of Oménoune, member of Immersive Factory team
I had a degree in secretarial studies. I mainly like music, I started playing bass as a self-taught and I would also like to learn to play the piano. I love nature, walking in the forest, nothing better to recharge your batteries. I love to travel, I plan to buy a van to fit it up and travel with it. I love cooking, trying new recipes and especially making chocolate and zucchini cakes. I’m a bit curious about everything.
Colour photo of Emmanuel, member of Immersive Factory team


Prod - R&D


Prod - R&D




Prod - R&D

Colour photo of Gwen, member of Immersive Factory team
Prod - R&D
I obtained a Digital Professions license then an MBA AMINJ Game during which I specialized in educational engineering and the design of serious games. Within Immersive Factory, I work on both the web and multimedia side. Passionate about sport, I played football for fifteen years in a club. Today forced to stop all sporting activities because of knee problems, I just support OM and TFC. Otherwise, I share the rest of my free time between outings, games, series and technology watch.
Colour photo of Brenda, member of Immersive Factory team
Prod - R&D
Graduated from the Emile Cohl School, I followed 2 years of traditional training before specializing in 3D. In charge of the design and artistic direction of Immersive Factory, I work closely with the entire production and R&D team. I’m passionate about architecture, light and optimization. I like games (role-playing, board games and video games), reading metal. I practice, in my spare time, painting, modeling and creation by 3D printing.
Colour photo of Arezki, member of Immersive Factory team
I have been in the Réactiv’ company for 7 years now. Cook by training, I started my job in traditional catering before joining collective catering in more or less important establishments. I particularly like researching and setting up new work organizations. From a personal point of view, I appreciate activities even more than leisure… and as much as possible with the family and even better when they are spontaneous. I also appreciate when I have nothing to do.
Colour photo of Sacha, member of Immersive Factory team
Prod - R&D
Graduated from CNAM ENJMIN, specializing in video games, I have now been working at Immersive Factory as a developer/integrator for 4 years! Initially, I was in commerce, but I lacked passion for a project and the challenge it represents. I’ve traveled quite a bit (Japan, Greece, England, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland), and I even had the chance to live for a year and a half in New Caledonia! I’m passionate about video games and competition. Besides that, I have a project to go on a road trip in a converted van.


Prod - R&D


Prod - R&D




Prod - R&D

Colour photo of Maxime, member of Immersive Factory team
Prod - R&D
I’ve always been more practical than theoretical and I learned almost everything I know on my own. Passionate about new technologies and very curious, I love monitoring and learning to use or develop new tools myself. I am very homely but for me nothing beats a good evening with friends or a trip to a country I don’t know.
Colour photo of Steve, member of Immersive Factory team
Prod - R&D
I’m a Tool Programmer on Unity. This consist of developing tools that are used to create simulations without having to do everything from scratch. In my free time, I like reading Asian novels, speedrunning (finishing a game as quickly as possible) and video games.
Colour photo of Magalie, member of Immersive Factory team
I have been a consultant for 2 years. I’ve been very involved in community life for more than 20 years, I’m co-founder of Bougé Chambalud’s Virades de l’espoir. I played basketball like all my f amily. I have been elected in my municipality since 2020, I am part of the urban planning-environment commission and the animation communication commission. Rich in encounters and sharing, community involvement is very important to me. I like to travel and share good times with my family and friends.
Colour photo of Etiam, member of Immersive Factory team
Prod - R&D
After earning a Master's degree in molecular and cellular biology, my passion for technology led me to retrain as a developer. I am currently in an apprenticeship as an application developer. As for my interests, I am passionate about finance, cooking, nature, and psychology.


Prod - R&D


HSE Consultant


Prod - R&D


Customer service

Colour photo of Samuel, member of Immersive Factory team
Prod - R&D
Initially in charge of creating 3D environments, I now focus on developing features that improve rendering performances and visual quality of our VR and PC products. Building worlds, telling stories through games, video, photography, colors and shapes, has always been part of my vocation. Inspired by the arts, sciences and immersion in nature (my main fuel), I grew up making art and also being passionate about technology. This blend of interests led me straight into the industry of games and computer graphics.
Colour photo of Cassandre, member of Immersive Factory team
HSE Consultant
Master's student in a work-study program, I will mainly be leading our workshops during safety days to raise employee awareness about workplace risks. I will also be able to support the management team with all HSE-related queries. I am a dynamic and lively person. I get bored quickly, so I always find various activities to do, from sports to video games, series, and reading. What I enjoy the most is spending time with animals. I'm considering returning as a volunteer to an animal shelter to give a little love to these furballs.
Colour photo of Charles, member of Immersive Factory team
Prod - R&D
I enjoy basing my concepts on realistic simulations. My goal is to create serious games that provide the most intuitive and educational learning experiences possible. I design simulations at Immersive Factory, adhering to the specifications set out beforehand. Highly curious, I love learning new things every day. I am an avid diver and enjoy spearfishing, but I also have a passion for French boxing, literature, and cooking.
Colour photo of Kévin, member of Immersive Factory team
Customer service
"Currently pursuing a master's degree in management and commercial strategy through an apprenticeship, I am naturally attached to the service department. Passionate about technology and the world of video games, I see my role as a real learning opportunity. I take advantage of my free time to play sports, especially soccer and basketball. My personal project is to visit a large number of countries, particularly those in Latin America."


Prod - R&D


Administrative department


Prod - R&D


Prod - R&D

Colour photo of William, member of Immersive Factory team
Prod - R&D
Graduated from Rubika which is a school specializing in video games and 3D software, I have experience in developping 3D video games. Within the Immersive Factory teams, I specialize as a tool developer to help with internal development but remain very versatile in my areas of expertise. For leisure, I like gardening, learning new things but also traveling!
Colour photo of Justine, member of Immersive Factory team
Administrative department
After obtaining my diploma in management assistance, I worked for various companies in both the public and private sectors. Since arriving at Réactiv in January 2024, I have been in charge of billing. Since my trip to Vietnam, my country of origin (yes... I was adopted), my worldview has changed. I enjoy spending time with my loved ones, reading, and soaking up the sun. I am taking English classes in order to travel more. My guilty pleasure? Eating chocolate!
Colour photo of Ahmed, member of Immersive Factory team
Prod - R&D
Graduated in Video Game Production from IIM, my main role is to support and optimize the efforts of our production team. Curious by nature, my passions are as varied as music, animals, and especially, pizza. Always in search of new discoveries, I particularly appreciate unusual facts and diverse knowledge with no apparent connection. I have an insatiable appetite for learning, marveling at new knowledge, often without apparent links between them.
Colour photo of Manon, member of Immersive Factory team
Prod - R&D
I'm in my 5th year of Game Programming at ISART Digital. Before that, I was headed towards astrophysics, but life introduced me to the world of programming. I love astronomy, archery, and games in general (video, board, miniatures, etc). I'm also trying to find the motivation to delve into cooking; I have a lot of books.


Prod - R&D


Prod - R&D


Prod - R&D


Administrative department

Colour photo of Ludovic, member of Immersive Factory team
Prod - R&D
Graduated from Isart Digital in Game Design and Programming, I currently hold the position of network developer intern. My role involves researching various existing solutions for the development of network features. Outside of work, I am passionate about history and the Warhammer universe, particularly painting miniatures related to this universe.
Colour photo of Eloïse, member of Immersive Factory team
Prod - R&D
In my final year of the Master’s program in 3D Game Art at Isart Digital Paris, I am passionate about character design, especially their animation (both 2D and 3D). This is also my main role within the team at Immersive Factory. Besides that, I’m a sporty person, I played volleyball for 10 years, both recreationally and competitively. Additionally, I have a great love for discovering musical instruments as a self-taught musician, such as drums, guitar, and ukulele, and I enjoy using these skills to play in a band!
Colour photo of Issa, member of Immersive Factory team
Prod - R&D
In my final year at RUBIKA, a school specialized in video game and animation professions, I am a great enthusiast of video games, reading, and cinema, always seeking new inspirations. I also love traveling and discovering new cultures. I stumbled into the video game industry by chance, but I fully intend to stay.
Colour photo of Marie, member of Immersive Factory team
Administrative department
As the latest addition to the team, I am responsible for the administrative side of the training sessions carried out. Naturally cheerful, I enjoy the simple things in life: spending time with my little family, my friends, going for a walk, having a good meal... I love playing sports and never turn down a game of pétanque! A huge Harry Potter fan, I hope to one day visit the studios in London.

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