Road safety sector

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Analysis of the Road safety sector

The road safety sector is all about reducing the risk of road traffic injuries and death.



  • Road traffic injuries are currently estimated to be the eighth leading cause of death across all age groups. (source)
  • The estimated share of compensation and work absences due to accidents and occupational diseases in global GDP at nearly 4%. (source)


  • The global road safety market size is expected to grow from USD 3.0 billion in 2020 to USD 4.9 billion by 2025. (source)


  • In 2019, over 115,000 work zone crashes, over 39,000 injuries and 842 fatalities occurred in the work zones of patrollers. (source)
  • Injuries from inside the work zone are due to workers being struck by heavy equipment, which typically has large blind spots and from exposure to hazards typical of all construction sites, including overhead power lines, tripping hazards, gas lines, and falling objects. (source)


  • North America is the most advanced region in terms of technological adoption and infrastructure development in the road safety sector (source)


  • In 2019 an accident occurs every three days that affects motorway personnel . This Number of accidents rose in 2019 (145 accidents in 2019 against 132 accidents in 2018). (source)
  • Patroller’s accidents happen most frequently when setting up worksite markings (49% in 2019) as well as due to drowsiness and inattention when intervening urgently to help injured drivers (28% in 2019). (source)


  • France is benefiting from a major improvement in road safety as a result of the reduction in traffic caused by the pandemic (source)
Sector challenges

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At the workplace:

These challenges are primarily related to unsafe working conditions in the fields of working at height, working with electrical power, excavation, material handling including equipment and tools, as well as different types of roadway construction.

How Immersive Factory’s solution helps overcome this challenge:

Immersive digital workshops that can be done repeatedly to allow faster and more efficient training to accelerate skills development and learning to prepare for potential risks at the workplace and effectively reduce accidents.
Visual of the VR based Motorway Operations course developed by Immersive Factory

A woman using a VR headset to train for EHS risks

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Among workforce:

These challenges are linked to lack of skills and competencies due to inadequate training.

How Immersive Factory’s solution helps overcome this challenge:

Over 30 immersive workshops with efficient training, based on effective immersive learning methods (e.g. Gamification) thanks to their co-creation with key industry players that lead to skillful workers.

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External environment:

These challenges are uncontrollable factors such as a lack of infrastructure, enforcement of (new) legal regulations, difficulties with the workplace’s geographical location, hostile climate (e.g. more snow due to climate change). Lastly, the hygienic aspect following the COVID-19 health crisis, which includes new health measures related to hygiene but also to education, prevention and employee safety in the face of the global health crisis. Ex: COVID referent in companies.

How Immersive Factory’s solution helps overcome this challenge:

The long-term vision is to create new exercises allowing training factoring in external challenges such as bad weather conditions.
VR training workshops increase learner memory by 4

Website backoffice: reporting and statisticsImmersive Factory Virtual Campus

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Internal management

These challenges come from within the organization such as a lack of engagement/ownership from superiors during training, which will consequently lead to a lack of motivation from the employees. Further internal factors are the lack of mandatory training, which will lead to under trained employees and thus increases the risk of potential work accidents. Furthermore, cost driven companies, rigid timelines (particularly when several different companies are working collaboratively at the same workplace) and a lack of supervision and (mis)communication can lead to additional internal management obstacles.

How Immersive Factory’s solution helps overcome this challenge:

Des exercices gamifiés pour engager et motiver les travailleurs à tous les niveaux de direction. Possibilité de suivre les efforts et les réalisations de l’équipe pour encourager tous les employés à suivre les exercices de manière répétitive afin de maintenir un niveau élevé de compétences acquises. Les exercices sont effectués sur une plateforme numérique immersive qui permet une formation en totale autonomie et offre la possibilité de se connecter au HUB à tout moment et n’importe où, afin de réduire tous les coûts cachés qui accompagnent les journées officielles de formation à la sécurité effectuées dans un lieu spécifique.

Choose Immersive Factory for your road safety training?

Immersive Factory offers professionals in the road, handling and construction sectors virtual reality modules for training in road safety, the handling of rolling machines, and the right gestures to avoid accidents on construction sites.

Our training programs help your company to keep your employees safe in areas that require driving and moving around in cars and trucks, ensuring regular awareness of hazards and a substantial decrease in incidents. It is beneficial to use an e-learning system, an e-learning platform using VR such as Immersive Learning, to raise awareness of the various hazards and encourage prevention through effective and accessible training that directly engages your employees.

The Immersive Factory's training method helps you to protect the health of your personnel, to respect the laws in force while increasing the capacities of your employees in terms of gestures, behaviors, reflexes and attention to the risks.

Want to learn more about Immersive Training?

Discover its benefits in this blog post:

Immersive learning in the US

Immersive learning in the US: What is virtual reality training?

September 28, 2020

Thanks to virtual reality, training is at the forefront of technological innovation. Discover all you need to know about immersive learning in the US. What Is Immersive Learning? When reality meets science fiction, training begins to explore new approaches, new tools with ...

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