You want to raise your staff's awareness of safety issues for training sessions, quarter-hour safety sessions, talks... ?
Apply today for Daily SafetyBox
It’s a fact : we don’t remember the information given during too theoricals training. Taking this observation as a starting point, Immersive Factory collaborated with immersive learning experts to develop a solution to move from passive to immersive learning.
Our solution is a catalog of over 30 VR serious games and workshops: hazard spotting, sensibilization, co-activity and circulation… We have a specific VR workshop for each need for your on-site safety day.
More than 30 VR workshops dedicated to EHS sector to raise awareness and train your employees on the specific needs of each domain: Good HSE practices, fall, bad postures, handling, work at height, work in confined spaces, circulations of pedestrians/vehicles, chemicals risks...
And much more! Dive into a virtual environment as close as possible to the realities on the ground to spread your safety culture through an original and playful approach..
A realistic virtual experience that overcomes the traditional training’s possibilities. Studies claim it: people trained in VR are, on average, 275%* more confident applying what they learned than people trained with traditional methods. Trainees will therefore have better skills in risky situations, will be able to recognize risks more effectively and will have better reflexes in case of an accident.
People teached via immersive learning are:
4x faster to train
than with traditional methods
4x more focused
that their counterparts in e-learning
3,75x more connected emotionally
than the learners in classrooms
275 % more confident
applying the knowledge they have been teached
*According to the study “The Effectiveness of Virtual Reality Soft Skills Training in the Enterprise” from PWC.
Soletanche Bachy International - Deputy EHS Manager
“Between September and December 2019, I deployed the Immersive Factory solution in Malaysia, Singapore, New Zealand on our projects at the time as well as for a few people from headquarters. I was able to pass about 300 people during this period. Currenly, I would say that I am at a total of 400. Each time I have been able to present and carry out VR workshops, the feedback has always been positive and enthusiastic. They are impressed.”
With the VR subscription, enjoy complete and unlimited access to our catalog of more than 30 QEHS workshops in virtual reality developed especially for the needs of each domain.
Thus, your teams will be immersed in a dangerous or an accident situation so your coworkers will learn to evolve in a super realistic virtual environment. Thanks to reportings, you will be able to measure the efficiency and the operability of your team.
The safety day is targeting EHS managers in services or industry companies in France and abroad, preventionists, training organizations wishing to set up new innovative training programs.
Want to find out more?
Ask yourself if you want to organize one single big event to train everyone, or if you prefer to spread this event over several days. By subscribing to a VR subscription or to a SafetyBox©, you are completely free to organize several sessions with smaller groups for the same price.
Our workshops are playable on standalone virtual reality headset or computer linked virtual reality headset. Think about acquiring your own if you don’t have any, it will remain a good investment. Otherwise, you have the possibility to choose a special presentation in which we provide you the headsets and animate your safety day (please contact us for more information about it).
The back office provided with our services is a good way for you to analyze in real time the efficiency of the train and to identify immediately the notions to clarify.
Do you want to make your Safety Days more engaging?
Our virtual reality training modules are the perfect way to do this. Realistic, interesting and engaging, we make sure your employees want to participate in safety training with envy and curiosity.
With our modules, you will be able to train your employees on how to stay safe in a variety of different scenarios. They will learn how to react in dangerous situations, making them better equipped to deal with any potential hazards they may encounter at work. Immersive Factory raises the standard of your prevention training and allows you to better engage your company's employees. We provide high performance support for your EHS experts.
Contact us today and see for yourself the effectiveness of our VR training modules!
All content of the platform is reserved for the use of the customer, for the training of its employees. It may not be resold without the prior written consent of Immersive Factory, nor used in paid training or animations not provided by Immersive Factory, its subsidiaries and certified partners.