15-minute safety session: the benefits of immersive learning

Companies rely on the 15-minute safety session to quickly and sustainably raise awareness among their employees. VR and AR are their best allies.

A man using a vr headset to immerse himself

The advantages of ludo pedagogy and immersive learning for the 15-minute safety session

The principle of the 15-minute safety session is simple: it’s a 15 minutes session during which issues relating to the safety of goods and people within the company are discussed. This short format, which ideally would benefit from being creative and engaging, often seems, however, to be akin to a quarter-hour reminder of the rules, or possibly raising awareness in the form of key figures.

Fortunately, companies now have unique ways to animate their safety quarter hours, even remotely. Immersive learning puts ludo pedagogy at the service of a concept full of potential.

A worker wearing protective equipment on a job site

What is the 15 minutes Safety session?

The objectives of the 15-minute safety session are the same for all those who practice it: to pass on an essential prevention message and to involve employees in a participatory approach. This meeting, which can be monthly, fortnightly or even weekly if the situation justifies it, should make it possible to approach the risks linked to professional activity in a different way.

A 15-minute safety session can take various forms, but it is generally recommended that the format be conducive to discussion and that the focus be on the fun aspect of the intervention. This is where ludo pedagogic tools can be a major asset for facilitators.

Collaborative outreach methods

Employees want engaging activities and are much more willing to engage when the intervention takes on the appearance of... game! In today’s context, which is not compatible with the forms of social interaction we are used to, using the 15-minute safety session to reconnect with one’s team proves to be very advantageous.

This is exactly what immersive learning allows as proposed by Immersive Factory. Created in collaboration with occupational health and safety experts, the modules simulate dangerous situations to confront the learners with the risks of their job in very realistic conditions. But « immersion » does not necessarily mean « isolation », because the functionalities associated with the different workshops offer participants a very high degree of interaction.

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Thanks to an entirely digital collaborative platform, participants meet in a customized virtual campus to discuss the theme chosen for the 15-minute safety session. They can also take part in immersive team-based modules for workshops that are accessible through a variety of media. VR (thanks to an HTC or Vive FOCUS type helmet, for example), PC, mobile (tablet or even smartphone), Mac… Whatever the category of equipment available to employees, they will be able to take advantage of the activities on offer. At the end of the session, a debriefing can take place in a virtual meeting room where everyone can share their impressions.

Active pedagogy as a basis, virtual reality as a means

Immersive Learning applied to EHS

Whether it’s a real training session or a fifteen-minute instructional session, the principles of active pedagogy remain applicable because they help mobilize commitment and stimulate memorization. Playfulness provides additional motivation, since the participant must complete a set of tasks using a variety of knowledge.

The VR Sensitization - Hygiene Office training developped by Immersive Factory

A total immersion

Virtual reality, which serves as a support for immersive learning, invites employees to evolve in an interactive world whose characteristics make it highly realistic. Immersed in this world, which is similar in every way to their work environment, they live an enriching experience that convincingly illustrates the consequences of poorly mastered gestures.

Real-time statistics on the procedural errors made

The platform also offers evaluation and monitoring tools, that allow each participant to learn at his or her own pace and ensure that the necessary knowledge is acquired before moving on to the next module. The game scenarios follow a precise pedagogical path, but the learner, through his or her personal avatar, experiences an adventure a thousand miles away from monotonous presentations illustrated with statistics that are impossible to memorize.

Website backoffice: reporting and statistics

A 15-minute safety session adapted to new constraints

In addition to the usual challenges that trainers face in offering an informative exchange in such a short format, current working conditions make it even more difficult for them to do so. However, the health crisis makes efforts to ensure the good health of employees more than ever necessary. This means dealing with containment issues without incurring additional costs. Small and medium-sized companies, in particular, need adaptable solutions to digitize their security shifts efficiently.

Ensure the good health of your employees

A large catalog of VR workshops

Immersive Factory proposes some of the exercises available for free (notably within the framework of the eSafety Day) in order to make the discovery of EHS to the greatest number of people. The health crisis has indeed precipitated a willingness to prioritize their training objectives differently. A study conducted by Immersive Factory revealed that 75% of EHS managers want to give this topic an even more important place among the concerns of the companies in which they work.

More and more companies are adopting VR (virtual reality) and AR (augmented reality). Coupled with a pedagogical approach in line with their particular characteristics, these media offer a new kind of learning experience. Closely aligned with the expectations of employees, who demand tools that promote contact, and those of trainers, who aim for efficiency, these tools are extremely convincing.

According to a study conducted by Capgemini entitled «Augmented and Virtual Reality in Operations», 82% of companies that take the leap and implement VR/AR are satisfied with the benefits it offers. And for good reasons: in 2020, PWC also published a study indicating that immersive training enables employees to learn four times faster. That’s enough to increase the effectiveness of a 15-minute safety session !

Simulation is now becoming available to an ever-growing number of companies that want to train their employees using methods that are compatible with their changing expectations. The virtual reality 15-minute safety session is suitable for teams and employees who need to train on their own. Accessible from anywhere and on all kinds of supports, the workshops of Immersive Factory accompany companies in the digital transition of their training activities.

A man using a VR headset to train for EHS risks

Why trust Immersive Factory for the animation of your safety quarter-hour?

The success of a safety quarter-hour lies in its ability to capture the attention of employees throughout the duration of the intervention. Immersive Factory offers modules that allow you to break down the content in an ergonomic way while offering an attractive and interactive journey. Thanks to virtual reality, your employees will live a unique experience.

In addition, our teams of EHS experts design with you a scenario perfectly suited to your expectations and the needs of your employees.

Finally, by opting for Immersive Factory’s services, you rely on a company that has the experience of working with large groups.

Are you looking for an original way to animate your safety ¼ hour? Immersive Factory is the solution! Our teams of experts will design a personalized module that will perfectly meet your needs.